Give Where the Need is Greatest
Donating to Rotary means clean water and sanitation. Health and hope in areas that were once ravaged by diseases like polio. Economic development and new opportunities. Your financial help makes all this happen, and more.
With your help, we can make lives better in our community and around the world

Why should I donate to The Rotary Foundation?

Giving works because Rotary works. We are proud that 90.8% of donations go straight to supporting our service projects.

How does The Rotary Foundation use donations?

Our 35,000 clubs carry out sustainable humanitarian service projects. Your donations train future peacemakers, support clean water, and strengthen local economies.

What impact can one donation have on the world?

It can save a life. For every $1 Rotary commits to polio eradication, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has committed $2.

Memorial and Tribute Gifts

A gift to The Rotary Foundation is a meaningful way to honor a loved one.

Monthly Giving Program

Rotary Direct allows you to help year-round by automatically giving each month, quarter, or year.

Annual Gift or 1-Time Donation

Support the thousands of service projects our people of action are tackling around the world.

Planned Giving

The Foundation offers several ways to structure your charitable gift, which may result in tax and financial benefits. Learn more about customizing your Rotary legacy.

Donate Through an Endowment

Your gift to the endowment ensures a steady stream of support so we can continue to change the world well into the future.
Become a Corporate Sponsor
A special thank you to all the sponsors and volunteers who help make our work possible!
Learn More
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